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山东领锐 LBL 调速链板秤 链板秤

2021/1/9 23:49:22发布136次查看
lbl (m) series high temperature chain plate weighing feeder
一、产品概述product overview
lbl (m) series high temperature chain plate weighing feeder is fit for high temperature, high hardness materials (such as cement clinker, various ores) implements continuous weighing, batch weighing, mixing meterials special metering equipment. widely used in building materials, cement, coal, mine, ceramics, glass, metallurgy, electric power, iron and steel, coking industry.
二、工作原理working principle
the weight signal and speed signal belt running from the chain plate material to transfer to the micro processing controller, automatically calculate the instantaneous flow of materials. the transient flow through the continuous setting flow and the actual material, to adjust the chaine plate running speed, so that the actual material flow is maintained in the set value of flow.
三、技术指标technical indicators
计量精度measurement precision:≤ ±1%
给料输送能力transport capacity of feeding:0.01-1000t/h 
链板宽度chain plate width:500-1600mm
计量方式metering mode:调速、恒速variable speed, constant speed
流量调节范围flow regulation scope:1:10
工作方式working mode:连续或批次continuous or batch
性能特点performance characteristics
1、链板采用高锰钢板,一次压膜成型,坚固耐用不变形。chain plate adopts high manganese steel plate, a film forming, not durable deformation.
2、全悬浮式直接称重结构 ,有效的提高了计量精度。suspended direct weighing structure , effectively improve the measuring accuracy.
high temperature resistant unique weighing structure eliminates the influence of high temperature materials on measurement.
by using high precision digital weighing module, digital transmission technology, has the advantages of simple circuit, no adjustment parts, high resolution, no signal attenuation, no interference.
the controller uses touch display technology,chinese- english graphical display, guide mode of operation, operation simple, without memory.
it can connect 485 communications; can communication, dcs, plc etc. interface.
using the gprs wireless data transmission function, can sms report, remote diagnosis, remote control scales and other functions.
七、选型表selection sheet
note: above models are standard, standard master-slave roller center distance also have 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000 standard length. non standard models can be customized according to user requirements.


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